Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Illustration Friday: Dusty



nasii said...

Sweet! :)

Sandra said...

What a great look on his face, he doesn't approve of the dust.

Rubin Pingk said...

Very mangy cat. I can feel dust in my nostrils just looking at it.

Good drawing!

MrBibleHead said...

Hey Patty! Nice work! Great character and color choices! terrific!

Tony LaRocca said...

No wonder cats hate vacuums! :)

Alice Andreini said...

Your line quality supports the character and the form. It is nicely stated drawing....simple and expressive

Anonymous said...

Patty - I would suggest you get in touch with a person who wants a children's book illustrated.

You should get your material copyrighted. Secondly, have them used on T shirts.

Make a book of your illustrations - and send it to a publishing company.

You can have them enlarged at Staples, and sell them as a picture for an apartment, etc.

Have a great day!:)